Virtual training room

The virtual training room is where all the sessions take place - virtual, live, personal sessions and training programmes. To use a training room you need to have the appropriate system requirements (look System requirements).

Windows in a virtual training room

A virtual training room consists of one window for the trainer and 10 windows for the users. If less than 10 users take part in a session, the rest of the windows will be inactive.

Clock, sound and image options

Each room has a clock and the following image and sound functions:
Volume icon , which you use to control the volume.
HD icon , through which you can increase  the image resolution to High Definition. This function is available during virtual sessions.
Image resize icon , allows you to change the view to full screen.

Interacting with other users and trainer during in a virtual training room

Before, during and after the session you can:

  • send a Friend request to another user or trainer
  • send a Message to another user or trainer
  • report a violation regarding a trainer or user’s behaviour and send a notification that the trainer has not showed up

After the session you can:

  • rate other users who took part
  • rate the trainer and the session
  • leave a comment about the session

If you leave the room after the session, but want to leave a comment, you can find the session (User Profile – Training Sessions) and click on Changing Room, next to the name of the session. 

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