The FitWithMe Platform is the only such place where you can exercise via the Internet, in virtual rooms, with friends from all over the world, and all under the watchful eye of a professional Trainer!
You can change your personal data, privacy settings and profile picture at any time in Account Settings. To go to Account Settings, hold the mouse over the icon in the top right-hand corner and select Settings from the menu. You can also click on your [...]
After each session, the virtual training room changes into a virtual changing room. Here you can leave comments about the session you took part in. To enter the changing room, click on Changing Room next to the name of the session. Sessions which you’ve [...]
In order to join FitWithMe you need to register (Registration and log in)
To manage your account settings go to Account settings. Please make sure that you have the correct time zone. Please also enter your height and weight, which will allow [...]
FITs is a virtual FitWithMe platform currency. FITs can be purchased using real currency – euro (EUR), American dollars (USD) or Polish zloty (PLN). The prices of all training sessions are given in FITs. After your first login, your balance is 0 FITs.
Purchasing [...]
FitWithMe functions as a social network. You can create your own circle of Friends including FitWithMe trainers and users.
Friend search
To find a Friend, you can type their name in the search tab located below the menu on the left. If this person [...]
Inviting friends to virtual training sessions you are creating
If you want to invite a Friend to a training session you’ve just created, click on Invite. A window will pop up, through which you can invite friends from FitWithMe as well as Facebook.
To [...]